Why Sponsor

  • Under-representation and inadequate representation in leadership and decision-making contributes to ongoing marginalization and inequality. Without meaningful representation, policies, programs and plans will fail to adequately consider the intersectional impacts of decisions (Canadian Women’s Foundation, Resetting Normal: Gender, Intersectionality and Leadership, 2021).
  • The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted women’s workforce participation and ability to pursue leadership roles, but their voices and representation will be crucial to the pandemic recovery process, as well as shock-proofing ourselves from future crises (UN Women: COVID-19 and Women’s Leadership: From an Effective Response to Building Back Better, 2020).
  • The business case is strong: companies with higher levels of gender, ethnic, and cultural diversity are more likely to outperform their less diverse peers on profitability (McKinsey & Company, Diversity Wins: How Inclusion Matters, 2020).

The International Women’s Day Gala is designed to build confidence, enable networking, and put forth an all-encompassing and empowering mantra that propels the Gala’s vision of supporting and preparing women to pursue their dreams of being in leadership roles.

By partnering with us on the event, you are showing the community your organization’s commitment to gender equality and supporting women across Canada.

Aligning your organization with the International Women’s Day Women + Wealth Gala will also offer your company excellent exposure through event promotion, advertising, and community engagement.​

Download Sponsorship Package:

Download the Sponsorship Package here or reach out to Hannah Chorneyko at info@connectedevents.ca for more information.

Your support is invaluable!

2025 Sponsors

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